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    Product Information


    •  Innovate where you never thought possible
    Deploy massive compute anywhere with the latest family of powerful, secure servers engineered to accelerate automation and innovation.


    •  Advanced optimization
    Unlock the potential in your initiatives and deliver real-time insights with this density-optimized server built for AI. Experience faster time-to-value with 4x AMD Instinct MI300X accelerators and Dell Smart Cooling technology.


    •  Accelerate your performance
    Rapidly develop, train and deploy large machine learning models. Accelerate complex HPC applications and drive a wide range of complex processing needs. XE9640 delivers outstanding performance using Intel® CPUs and new Intel® Data Center Max Series GPUs.

    • Break through boundaries with two 4th generation Intel Xeon processors and 4x AMD Instinct MI300X accelerators interconnected with Xe Link or 4x AMD Instinct MI300X accelerators
    • Increase performance and speed with liquid cooled CPUs and GPUs
    • Be more efficient with a slim 2U form factor and rack installation for high-density deployments


    •  Sustainability
    From recycled materials in our products and packaging, to thoughtful, innovative options for energy efficiency, the PowerEdge portfolio is designed to make, deliver, and recycle products to help reduce the carbon footprint and lower your operation costs. We even make it easy to retire legacy systems responsibly with Dell Technologies Services.

    •  Accelerated I/O throughput
    • Deploy latest generation technologies including DDR5, PCIe Gen 5.0, and NVMe SSDs to push the boundaries of
    data flow and computing possibilities.
    • Up to 10 front-facing PCIe Gen 5 slots and up to 16 drives enable optimal expansion for high-performance realtime AI operations.
    • Dell Validated Designs for Generative AI and comprehensive Dell Services offerings take the guesswork of out
    infrastructure and workflow integration

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