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    Product Information


    • Stunning Display
    Featuring a 13.5-inch PixelSense display, this laptop combines sharp details and vivid, accurate hues to create an immersive computing experience, thereby allowing you to indulge in visual brilliance. Besides, you can witness high-speed sequences without motion blur with this laptop's rapid refresh rate of up to 60Hz.

    • Effortless Productivity Boost
    You can enjoy rapid task execution and smooth performance with the Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 Laptop, as it is powered by a speedy Intel Core i5 12th Gen processor. Moreover, its refresh rate can reach up to 60Hz, allowing you to enjoy action-packed scenes without the distraction of motion blur.

    • Dolby Atmos Technology
    Featuring Dolby Atmos technology, this 13.5-inch laptop delivers a potent and engaging audio output that blends seamlessly with its high-quality visuals. Therefore, you can experience every audio detail in your cherished movies, TV series, and gaming escapades without missing a beat.

    • Reliable Battery Life
    This laptop can run for up to 18 hours, making sure that you don't have to be tethered to a power outlet all day.

    • Ambient Light Senor
    Enhance your viewing experience with the ambient light sensor in this laptop, which automatically adjusts screen brightness based on your surroundings, ensuring optimal visibility and reducing eye strain in any lighting environment.





    More Features:

    • Windows 11 Home OS
    Running on the Windows 11 Home operating system, this laptop offers a user-friendly platform with efficient performance, enhancing the overall computing experience.

    • Sleek and Light-Weight
    Offering a blend of style and convenience with this thin and light laptop, designed for on-the-go productivity with enhanced performance and aesthetics.

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