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    Product Information


    Key Features

    • Dual-Socket, AMD EPYC™ 9004 Series Processors

    • High density 4U system with NVIDIA® HGX™ H100 8-GPU

    • 8 NVMe for NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage

    • 8 NIC for NVIDIA GPUDirect RDMA (1:1 GPU Ratio)

    • Highest GPU communication using NVIDIA® NVLink®

    • 24 DIMM slots Up to 6TB: 4800 ECC DDR5

    • 8 PCIe 5.0 x16 LP slots

    • 2 PCIe 5.0 x16 FHHL slots, 2 PCIe 5.0 x16 FHHL slots (optional)

    • 4x 5250W(2+2) Redundant Power Supplies, Titanium Level




    Key Applications

    • High Performance Computing

    • AI/Deep Learning Training

    • Deep Learning/AI/Machine Learning Development

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