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    Product Information

    The R960 boosts business-critical operations with unprecedented scale-up capabilities in a 4U air-cooled form factorwith four (4) Intel Xeon® Scalable Processors to empower business and drive data-driven initiatives.• With a maximum CPU core count of 60 cores and the ability to support 64 DDR5 DIMMs for a total of 16TB of memory, the R960 is positioned for the largest in-memory databases without the need for slower I/Odatabase access.• Scale up business needs with support for up to 24 NVMe drives, DDR5 DIMMs,12 PCIe Gen5 slots for I/Oexpansion, LOM, and industry standard OCP to enable customers flexible network connectivity.• Enable fast 1:1 CPU-I/O communications with PCIe Gen5 adaptor support.

    -Harness latest generation technologies to maximize data transformation, support large in-memory databases, andgenerate faster insights to drive the business forward.
    -Leverage new workload accelerators built into each Intel Xeon processor that are purpose-designed for peak.

    -Install up to 4 GPU accelerators to boost AI-based business applications and rapidly transform real-time data.

    -Increase power user and worker productivity with up to 4 VDI accelerators.

    Harness latest generation technologies to maximize data transformation, support large in-memory databases, andgenerate faster insights to drive the business forward.
    Leverage new workload accelerators built into each Intel Xeon processor that are purpose-designed for peak

    Install up to 4 GPU accelerators to boost AI-based business applications and rapidly transform real-time data and analytics into decision-based outcomes


    Systems Management and Security Solutions

    OpenManage systems management: The Dell Technologies OpenManage systems management portfolio helps tame the complexity of your IT environment with tools and solutions to discover, monitor, manage, update, and deploy your PowerEdge infrastructure.

    Intelligent Automation:PowerEdge and OpenManage solutions integrate tools across the portfolio to help organizations automate the server lifecycle, optimize operations, and scale efficiently.

    Built-in security:PowerEdge servers are made with a cyber resilient architecture that builds in security at every phase of the product lifecycle, from the silicon root of trust and secured component verification, to signed firmware and drift detection, to BIOS recovery.

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