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    Product Information

    The R860 with a 2U air-cooled form factor and four (4) Intel Xeon® Scalable Processors enables businesses to accelerate a wide variety of core and business-critical applications including databases, analytics, and other datadriven applications.

    -With a maximum CPU core count of 60 cores and the ability to support 16GB RDIMM, 4800MT/s Single Rank of memory, the R860 is large enough to run in-memory databases and multiple applications.Scale up business needs with support for up to 24 NVMe drives, DIMMs, 8 PCIe Gen5 slots for I/O expansion, LOM, and industry standard OCP to enable customers flexible network connectivity.
    -Enable fast 1:1 CPU-I/O communications with PCIe Gen5 adaptor support.

    Purpose-built operations and workload performance

    Harness the latest generation technologies including DDR5 memory, PCIe Gen 5.0, and NVMe SSDs to maximize data transformation, support large in-memory databases, and generate faster insights to drive the business forward.

    -Leverage new workload accelerators built into each Intel Xeon processor that are purpose-designed for peak performance in traditional and emerging business applications.
    -Deploy quickly with slim 2U form factor, enabling IT organizations to consolidate more operations into fewer, more powerful servers, and high density in air-cooled environments.

    Cyber Resilient Architecture for Zero Trust IT environment & operations

    Security is integrated into every phase of the PowerEdge lifecycle, including protected supply chain and factory-to-site integrity assurance. Silicon-based root of trust anchors end-to-end boot resilience while Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and role-based access controls ensure trusted operations.


    Increase efficiency and accelerate operations with an autonomous infrastructure

    The Dell OpenManage™ systems management portfolio delivers a secure, efficient, and comprehensive solution for PowerEdge servers. Simplify, automate and centralize one-to-many management with the OpenManage Enterprise console and iDRAC.


    From recycled materials in our products and packaging, to thoughtful, innovative options for energy efficiency, the PowerEdge portfolio is designed to make, deliver, and recycle products to help reduce the carbon footprint and lower your operation costs. We even make it easy to retire legacy systems responsibly with Dell Technologies Services.

    Safeguard IT operations

    Fortify your data center with comprehensive protection to protect, detect and recover from cyber-attacks. Maximize uptime with a cyber-resilient architecture and robust security features.

    -Maintain data safety with cryptographically signed firmware packages and Secure Boot
    -Detect and prevent unauthorized or malicious changes with Server Lockdown
    -Ensure a trusted backup is used from a secure, hidden boot device with Rapid OS/BIOS recovery
    -Wipe all data from storage media quickly and securely with System Erase
    -Help deliver high availability with hot-pluggable drives and power supplies

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