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    Product Information

    The PowerEdge R7625 Rack Server, manufactured by Dell, is a high-performance server designed to meet the demanding needs of modern data centers. Built to deliver exceptional processing power and efficient data management, the R7625 is equipped with 4th generation AMD EPYC™ processors.

    One of the standout features of the PowerEdge R7625 is its support for up to two 96-core AMD EPYC 9004 CPUs. This allows for massive parallel processing capabilities, making it an ideal solution for computationally intensive workloads. Whether you're running simulations, performing data analysis, or managing virtualization environments, the R7625 can handle the most demanding tasks with ease.

    In terms of expandability, the PowerEdge R7625 offers flexibility and scalability. It supports up to 8x PCIe Gen5 slots, providing ample room for adding additional networking cards, storage controllers, or other expansion cards. This allows you to customize the server to meet your specific requirements and future-proof your infrastructure.

    Memory is another area where the R7625 excels. With support for DDR5 memory, you can take advantage of higher memory bandwidth and capacity compared to previous generations. This is particularly beneficial for memory-intensive applications, such as in-memory databases or virtualization environments, where large amounts of data need to be accessed quickly.

    From recycled materials in our products and packaging, to thoughtful, innovative options for energy efficiency, the PowerEdge portfolio is designed to make, deliver, and recycle products to help reduce the carbon footprint and lower your operation costs. We even make it easy to retire legacy systems responsibly with Dell Technologies Services.


    Storage options on the PowerEdge R7625 are also robust. It supports multiple drive configurations, including 2.5" and 3.5" SAS/SATA/NVMe drives, allowing you to choose the storage solution that best suits your needs. The server is also equipped with Dell's PERC RAID controllers, providing data protection and enhanced storage performance.

    In terms of connectivity, the PowerEdge R7625 offers a range of options. It includes multiple Gigabit Ethernet ports for network connectivity, as well as options for 10GbE and 25GbE networking. This ensures that your server can handle high-speed data transfers and accommodate the needs of modern networking infrastructure.

    The PowerEdge R7625 Rack Server is also designed with efficiency in mind. It features Dell's OpenManage systems management software, which allows for centralized management and monitoring of your server infrastructure. This helps to streamline administration tasks and optimize system performance. Additionally, the server includes features such as dynamic power supply engagement and intelligent system fan control, which help to reduce power consumption and minimize noise levels.

    the PowerEdge R7625 Rack Server is a powerful and versatile solution for data centers that require high-performance computing capabilities. With its robust processing power, expandability, and efficient design, it can handle a wide range of workloads, from virtualization and data analytics to high-performance computing. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, the PowerEdge R7625 offers the performance and scalability needed to meet your evolving needs.

    The Dell OpenManage™ systems management portfolio delivers a secure, efficient, and comprehensive solution for PowerEdge servers. Simplify, automate and centralize one-to-many management with the OpenManage Enterprise console and iDRAC.

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