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    Product Information

    The PowerEdge R760xs Rack Server is a product offered by Dell. It is a 2U, two-socket rack server designed to deliver flexible performance and power for various applications. This server is built with the latest technology and is capable of handling demanding workloads.

    One of the key features of the PowerEdge R760xs is its scalability. It offers a large storage capability, allowing users to store and manage a significant amount of data. This makes it suitable for businesses that require extensive storage capacity.

    The server is equipped with 4th Gen Intel Xeon CPUs, which provide robust performance for a wide range of tasks. It also supports SAS, SATA, and NVMe storage options, giving users flexibility in choosing the storage solution that best suits their needs.

    The new Dell PowerEdge R760xs is a 2U, two-socket rack server. Buy the best fit in scalable performance and large storage capability with this purpose-built 2U system. Focused on delivering the latest technology to power the most popular applications and workloads used by businesses today, including virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), virtual machines (VMs), and software-defined storage (SDS). All delivered in a thoughtfully crafted platform that will provide balanced compute that fits in your current infrastructure.

    -Add up to two 4th generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors with up to 32 cores per socket for faster performance.
    -Accelerate in-memory workloads with up to 16 DDR5 RDIMMS up to 4800 MT/sec.
    -Improve data throughput and reduce latency with support up to 8 I/O device (up to available 6 PCIe slots, 1 OCP 3.0 networking slot, and 1 dedicated PERC slot).
    -Storage options include up to 12x 3.5” HDDs/SSDs, or up to 16x 2.5” HDD/SSDs, plus up to 8x NVMe drives.



    In terms of connectivity, the PowerEdge R760xs offers various options. It has multiple expansion slots, allowing users to add additional network cards or other peripherals as required. This ensures that the server can be easily customized to meet specific networking requirements.

    Furthermore, the PowerEdge R760xs is designed with reliability and manageability in mind. It features advanced management capabilities, allowing administrators to monitor and control the server remotely. This helps in ensuring the smooth operation of the server and minimizing downtime.

    the PowerEdge R760xs Rack Server is a powerful and versatile solution for businesses that require high-performance computing and storage capabilities. Its scalability, performance, and reliability make it suitable for a wide range of applications and workloads.

    Cyber Resilient Architecture for Zero Trust IT environment & operations

    Security is integrated into every phase of the PowerEdge lifecycle, including protected supply chain and factory-to-site integrity assurance. Silicon-based root of trust anchors end-to-end boot resilience while Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and role-based access controls ensure trusted operations.


    From recycled materials in our products and packaging, to thoughtful, innovative options for energy efficiency, the PowerEdge portfolio is designed to make, deliver, and recycle products to help reduce the carbon footprint and lower your operation costs. We even make it easy to retire legacy systems responsibly with Dell Technologies Services.


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