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    Product Information

    The new Dell PowerEdge R760 is a 2U, two-socket rack server. Gain the performance you need with this full-featured enterprise server, designed to optimize even the most demanding workloads like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

    Max Performance

    Add up to two Next Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable or Intel® Xeon® Max processors with up to 56 cores for faster and more accurate processing performance.

    -Accelerate in-memory workloads with up to 32 DDR5 RDIMMS up to 4400 MT/sec (2DPC) or 4800 MT/sec for 1DPC (16 DDR5 RDIMMs max).
    -Support for GPUs including 2 x double-wide or 6 x single-wide for workloads requiring acceleration.

    Air cooled at peak performance

    -New Smart Flow chassis optimizes airflow to support the highest core count CPUs in an air-cooled environment within the current IT infrastructure.
    -Support for up to 16 x 2.5” drives and 2 x 350 watt processors.

    Cyber Resilient Architecture for Zero Trust IT environment & operations

    Security is integrated into every phase of the PowerEdge lifecycle, including protected supply chain and factory-to-site integrity assurance. Silicon-based root of trust anchors end-to-end boot resilience while Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and role-based access controls ensure trusted operations.


    Increase efficiency and accelerate operations with autonomous collaboration

    The Dell OpenManage™ systems management portfolio delivers a secure, efficient, and comprehensive solution for PowerEdge servers. Simplify, automate and centralize one-to-many management with the OpenManage Enterprise console and iDRAC.


    From recycled materials in our products and packaging, to thoughtful, innovative options for energy efficiency, the PowerEdge portfolio is designed to make, deliver, and recycle products to help reduce the carbon footprint and lower your operation costs. We even make it easy to retire legacy systems responsibly with Dell Technologies Services

    Gain agility

    Achieve maximum efficiency with multiple chassis designs that tailor to your desired workloads and business objectives.

    -Storage options include up to 12 x 3.5” SAS3/SATA; or up to 24 x 2.5” SAS4/SATA, plus up to 24 x NVMe U.2 Gen4, 16 x NVMe E3.S Gen5.
    -Multiple Gen4 and Gen5 riser configurations (up to 8 x PCIe slots) with interchangeable components that seamlessly integrate to address customer needs over time.

    PowerEdge R760 The Dell PowerEdge R760 offers powerful performance in a purposebuilt, cyber resilient, mainstream server. Ideal for:

       -Mixed Workload Standardization
       -Database and Analytics
       -Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

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