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    Product Information

    • ActiveSense technology
    The ActiveSense technology in Aware Mode can silence loud background noise to a stop or soften it to a manageable volume.

    • Comfortable fit
    Select from three sizes of the stability bands and eartips to find your comfortable perfect fit.

    • Moisture resistant
    With an IPX4 rating, these earbuds can handle drips, sprays, splashes, and sweat.

    • Listen with one earbud
    Use either the left or right earbud for listening and calls with Independent Single-bud Use.

    • Touch controls
    Control music and noise cancellation, answer calls, and adjust volume directly from the surface of your buds with Simple Touch.

    • Adjustable EQ
    Adjustable EQ settings in the Bose Music app control bass, mid-range, and treble levels as you go.

    • Leave your phone where it is. Control music, answer calls, and adjust volume directly from the surface of your buds with Simple Touch.

    • Guided setup and controls in the Bose Music app keep your buds up to date. Manage Bluetooth® connections, sound preferences, and more.




    • Maintain energy all day with up to six hours of battery life in a single charge, and a charging case that holds three additional charges.

    • Take personalization even further with Adjustable EQ settings in the Bose Music app. Control bass, mid-range, and treble levels as you go.

    • The ActiveSense™ technology in Aware Mode can silence loud background noise to a stop, or soften it to a manageable volume.

    • When it’s time to pay attention, Aware Mode allows enough transparency to hear your surroundings or engage in friendly conversation.

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