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    Product Information

    • Immerse yourself in music
    Stream from all your favorite services, and feel like you're inside the song with support for the highest-resolution formats, including Dolby Atmos Music.

    • Dolby Atmos
    Go deeper into every scene with spatial audio. Dolby Atmos and the upward-firing drivers work in concert to immerse you in a multidimensional soundstage. You’ll hear planes as if they’re flying overhead, sense footsteps moving across the room, and feel the music swell all around you.

    • Never miss a word
    Fine-tuned by Oscar-winning sound engineers, Arc offers crystal clear dialogue so you can always follow the story. For even greater clarity when characters whisper or the action intensifies, turn on Speech Enhancement in the Sonos app.

    • Simply beautiful
    With only two cables and step-by-step guidance in the Sonos app, Arc sets up in minutes. And whether you place it on furniture or mount it on the wall, the elegant design fits seamlessly into your home.

    • Perfectly tuned for the room
    Using the microphones in your iOS device, Trueplay tuning technology analyzes the unique acoustics of your space and optimizes the speaker’s EQ, even calibrating the height channels for precise localization. So all your content sounds just the way it should and reaches your ears at the exact right moment.

    • Surround sound, simplified
    Get an even more immersive experience when you add a subwoofer and pair of rear speakers. Sonos products connect quickly, easily and wirelessly.



    • Customize your sound system
    Mix and match products that fit all the places and ways you want to listen. Pair identical speakers for richer stereo sound, build a surround sound system for home theater, and feel even more immersed when you add Sonos to every room.

    • Stream Dolby Atmos Music with select songs from supported services. Experience Dolby Atmos home theater content with a compatible TV and HDMI eARC or HDMI ARC connection.

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